Saturday, March 22, 2014

My dogs (and my cats) are Texans !

It sure was a long trip : 20 hours in their crate to get here from France !
But they were soooo happy to see me that obviously it was worth it... 

And I am sooooo happy to have them all with me for my trip !

Meet Regliss (which means Liquorice in French) the large Leonberg,
Nela (which does n t mean anything in French but she comes from Spain) the UFO (unknown furry object)
On their first "omg where are we" day in Dallas, at a local dog park :

They have been pretty impressed by the change of weather, smells, and even languages around them. The "how cute" most people say here when meeting dogs (when they like dogs) seems to really puzzle my two dogs, more accustomed obviously to the French "oh qu'elles sont belles"

On that first day you could really see both of them exchanging puzzled looks, obviously thinking  "what kind of language is that !?!" 

But from the first day, they have discovered one great thing... An immediate hit, and a recurring pleasure that make them jump in the car with excitement for their walk there :

Squirrels !

In France, squirrels have almost disappeared. When I was a little girl they were quite easy to see. Today, because of the pesticides, raticides , and other chemicals used by farmers, and because of the destruction of forests, they have become rare and difficult to spot. I have taken those two dogs on numerous walks, including in large forests (I used to live in Rambouillet , a small city near Paris nested in one of the largest forest of France ) : they have never met a squirrel there...

But here ...

Texan sized (xxl) squirrels seem to take a great pleasure into provoking all dogs, including the tourists dogs who seem to be particularly favored : squirrels run under their nose, rush to the nearest tree, and stand on an upper branch with a provocative stance :

"No way, dogs. You may be large and well fed, you may even be French, you won't see more of me than my tail and a furtive glance !"

Can you spot the squirrel here ? My dogs sure did !

So, my dogs have arrived here, as planned, and have  even found their first American pleasure here... 
I am happy.

I now have to find good leather boots and Texan hats for everyone, 
Get them groomed for they have to much hair for the weather here,

and we'll be nearly ready for the road. 

Just a few more things to settle ...  And we should be gone by the end of the week.

And my cat ?
Well, my cat is already practicing his skills with wild western cows.... 

With dreams, and pillows...

See ya !

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