I am not absolutely sure of the exact place of the Karma concept in the native US culture -
(and I also know that "native culture" is a false and ridiculous general concept. There was not one people, one language, one religion in the North American continent when the European "discovered" (!) it, but a whole kaleidoscope of tribes and civilization. You don t live the same way when you are sedentary near the Great Lake or in the Mountians, thanks to the caverns, or when you wander on the prairie following the wind and the food for your family. )
I have no idea how Karma is explained for the Apache, for the Zunis, for the Seminoles....
nor do I know in which myth it is explained.
But I do know this for sure :
karma, this absolute rule and main logic of life on this planet, was perfectly known by the best cultures and souls of this land.
It is written everywhere in what I read, or see , of the past history or the natives I discover everyday here,
And in the (partly) public culture I can get access to.
"Indians" knew about karma a long time before the European arrived and disrupted all the lives there. They lived till the 15th century accordingly - at least many if them, for in any civilization you have the rebels, and the young souls, who always find ways to live differently- .
The main way of living took in account very profoundly the idea of Karma : what you do for good comes back to you - and what you do bad too. You will live through what you have done to another one human animal and even land -
It s important to understand the fact that Karma law was known here, just as well as in India or in Tibet and other Buddhist countries, for it explains much if what I am about to explain here.
Let me tell you before I start that, yes, you may not agree with me. And even laugh at what you ll read.
I am accustomed to that, because in France , believing in Karma and in previous lives is considered like an illness touching to insanity. I have hidden my inner philosophy for years, for I knew my family (a perfectly awful, money obessed , Swiss Banker family !) was totally unable to understand it and would at best make fun of it, and at worst try to use it against me (yes, Swiss banker family means lot of money, and you cannot imagine what people like my mother, obsessed with jewels, furs, palaces and first class flight, could do to put aside her own children and keep all the money ! Money for which I don t give a s. anyway, and which will go straight to a foundation for my project when I ll get it, for it s money made awfully dirty with hate and stupidity).
But I have travelled, a lot (you may have understood that if you have read some of my posts already)
And I have suddenly realized that in Tahilande, In Bali, in Mongolia, in Tibet,
Not only were your free to say you believe in karma and previous lives
But it was even taken in account in your everyday life without any doubt or threat of "insanity"
If you tell a Balineese "I love your country and I think I have spent some time before, probably in previous life, for everything is so familiar" , the Balineese will smile with joy and give you a happy "welcome back".
So, yes, I do believe in Karma.
In previous lives,
And I even think we are sometimes able to find previous life images and souvenirs, often for a good reason : to finish, or to correct something bad.
And I must admit I somehow knew that coming to New Mexico (where I have never set a foot before, I have never been further than Flagstaff , coming from California) was somehow a coming back...
Now, I know...
But I am not the most interesting part of this post, frankly, I am just an example among others.
And what I am about to explain here is much, much larger than me,
We are several voices now coming back to say the same thing "a voix haute" (speaking openly)
the "willcomeback" are arriving, many are awakening, in many places, right now.
For the tough law of karma for the American natives taken in the terrible wars of the West - either with the whites, or even between natives of different tribes fighting for the living space and their survival- is coming to an end now,
And it s the end of a long tough time for those souls,
for many of the best native souls have been taken into violence and sometimes stupidity during the Indian wars.
You know the rigor of karma : what you do to other (human or animal - man, woman or child - even to possessions when they concern survival, like food or money needed to eat or be cured) you will live too, in your current life, or another ... It depends on the weight of what you have done
If you have stolen something in this life, you will get stolen too, so you learn. And in this life probably, for minor bad karma easily returns to its owner and backlashes.
If you have killed a woman, being a man, then you will experience death as a woman later - so obviously in another life,
and it will be longer...
And as long as your bad karma won't have been paid for, you will be in a difficult life. For karma does make your life miserable if you have a large debt to pay as long as it waits (it s how you get the less than enthusiastic souls go for their lesson ! waiting and refusing is worse than going through).
"Red Skins" perfectly knew that
(my God, I wish I knew how the Buddhist knowledge has spread within the American continent, stopping, if I am not mistaken, near here, for Central America and South America never got that knowledge and stayed in old violent faith much longer. There is a link between here and Central Asia !)
And they have lived for centuries careful lives,
not at peace all the times, we all know that,
but with high values and strong commitment to the respect of life.
Till the European arrived, with their terrifying brutality - for many of us may have forgotten that, but for centuries Europe has sent the worst of her society to this country : the thiefs, the murderers, the prostitutes, the poorest, or the less useful.
"Just send them there, we need people to occupy the land, they will do..."
Can you imagine the confrontation , the shock, between this highly developed culture that was "native",
Where tough conditions of life here had led to real brain developing - you cannot be too dumb, or too violent, or too lazy, if you want to survive in such a tough environment, you have to toughten your neocortex and be "brainy"-
And suddenly this clever and (quite) peaceful civilization is brutally confronted to the worst of what Europe can produce, people who were already considered as tough in their own countries,
fighting for survival with neither value nor faith,
Arrived there to survive, make money, gain land
Whatever the human price.
The natives did not have a choice, and had to come to war.
Karma is a tough law, for even if you take a life for protecting yourself, there is a price to pay.
It's a smaller price however if you do it without hate, and if it s really legitimate... But it s never free, to take a life, even in these terrible conditions,
And I know the first native confronted with this choice have done the best they could -
fighting but staying high in value and behavior,
But it rapidly went all wrong, for they were in front of men who had no rules, no word, no pity.
And survival to the tribes had to be paid a high, very high price.
Kill, destroy, hunt,
Even the feeble ones who should not have been part of he conflict - the women, the children -
for yes, they were used as weapons to invade the land ...
And the best souls of the tribes, they did it, they had to
But they knew the price they would have to pay for this
Live during their following lives the bad acts they had done to others during this terrible war : be reincarnated to be killed, or raped, or kidnapped, or starved,
as a child, as a woman.
In order to pay the karma price.
For as long as the karma price was still to be paid, they had no right, no way, to come back to this earth they loved so much, and to the souls of the ones they had loved for many generations before.
If in your warriors life, you have taken from a man his family, form a woman his husband, then you are to live the same tragedy...
And the best warriors, the highest souls, they accepted that.
to protect their loved ones,
Even if they had to go through tough lives afterwards.
They have fought
And for most of them consciously accepted the sacrifice
Most of them, but not all, for some of them really let themselves go to hate and anger, and terryfiying violence
And some did forget the price of karma in the midst of all the horrors the Wild West was creating every day,
With guns
And pure meanness first from the whites, and then from the two parties.
For with time, the situation became even more complicated : with the karma law, a cruel cow boy "killer of Indians" for many years, once dead, was most of the times set to be reincarnated ... as an Indian.
And with lost souls, reincarnation does not always get the soul better at the first try.
So after years of war
There was poor souls in both camps,
and the war becomes even more dreadfull...
It s probably what should be remembered from karma today, by the way
Don t judge by the skin, for it may be the home of all types of souls
Judge by the values, they are the only way to know who you are dealing with
And remember Sitting Bull who adopted Annie Oakley, the woman who was such a good shot and worked with him at the Buffalo Bill spectacle : this was exactly his message
"our warrior , you recognize them from the way they behave - even has women, even as white - they belong to our world whatever they look like, if they act right..."
The old souls who have taken the heavy burden to protect their loved one are now to return...
For they have accepted terrible lives since their last life here,
In order to pay as fast as possible the price for their terrible acts
And yes, they have been women beaten or killed, children taken to camps or adults executed for nothing...
And even their first part of life on this earth now, during the last years, have been VERY difficult,
for they , most of the times, still had some karma to pay before being free enough to be able to really help,
And they have lost custody of their children, or been unfairly accused, or have been lied to and persecuted without cause
Just because their "mission" implied they pay as much karma as possible before coming back
And start again their life in their beloved country
With no karma debt that could threaten what they have to do here
So don t judge to easily on what you see or hear, for the best souls have really chosen (and they don t know it consciously, of course !) the most difficult path to be perfectly ready
For their coming back,
Looking for the souls of the ones they loved
and who have either spent their previous lives there waiting for them
Or are to return also, once karma paid
I call them the "Willbeback"
Because they have sworn,sometimes centuries ago, to come back here.
Not to fight
Not for war
Not for land
Remember what the first Warrior had been told (I heard that in a Longmire episode, and I have listen to that part many times, fascinated, for it s beautiful ...
and so right)
"The Great Spirit gives the first warrior this land, and it is beautiful, with its mountains, its blue sky, its eagles and bears, its trees
And the first warrior says "thank you, Great Spirit, that is wonderful. I will fight to protect this land"
And the Great Spirit says " No, you have not understood.
You do not fight for the land, but for the ones who live on it with you, and who you love : your family, your friends, your tribe"
The warriors are to come back, but they won t make war, they won't fight like they had to during these terrible years.
They will come back to love the ones they have been missing so long,
to protect the land by their :
. Art
. Knowledge
. Wisdom
. Education
. Technology
. Example
For that, the pure souls have learned too from the last wars
You loose a war if you only fight
You win with values, ideas, strength , and knowledge
And you win by convincing the rest of the world to change
"Willbeback" will change the world from here,
inventing cars, or sending shuttle to the sky, or telling the truth about the past life's and karma in books or movies
They will inspire and work with the weapons that are the most powerful today
. Movies
. Books
. Internet
. Technology
. Medicine
For all these old souls have also taken all theses years to LEARN
and bring back the best of what Earth has developed in their beloved country
And to the one they love there,
And who will recognize them easily
If they let go the fear
And see the soul hidden behind the different skin...
Just, if you have a minute, go to YouTube and find Sade video
Soldier of Love
And listen to her whole album.
It s all there, the story of a soul who had to fight in the "wild Wild West" ,
Then the "long hard road"
Then the "bring me home"
And "skin"
She says exactly what I say here, in her own words
For some of us have chosen as weapons nor the sword, but the words...
And skin, or gentics and DNA don't matter
It much more beautiful than this. It s a question of heart... The "safest place" (Sade) where these great warriors have kept their faith, and love, and strength.
May you find this hidden place too,
Where love shines
And never forgets
Till he finds you...